Five Practical Ways To Support Local Businesses, Even If You’re Cash Strapped

Tightened belts and diminished disposable income may be the status quo right now but if you’re looking to part with your saved rands for a special occasion or a necessary product or service, then going local is the best way forward.

Boosting the economy, binding communities and helping create a cleaner environment are just a few of the many benefits linked to supporting local businesses. Here are some practical ways you can go local during lockdown:

  • Special occasion? Check in with your favourite local stores to see if they’re open online and delivering. If not, consider buying a gift card that can be redeemed later. Even a small amount makes a difference.
  • Want to work out at home but need some guidance and motivation? Check which local gyms or studios are doing online classes or home programming. 
  • Social media is powerful! Sharing what your favourite brands are up to on your personal and business platforms is free and will help keep them visible until things return to normal. You could also share these brands with your local social media influencers who may have a much larger reach.
  • If you have the time, consider using your own skills or expertise to help another business out, even if it’s with some advice or supporting them a few hours a week.
  • Tired of cooking? Find out which restaurants in your area are open and delivering. This not only supports the restaurant, but also keeps delivery drivers employed.

Like Martin Luther King once said, “If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.” Whether you are leveraging your social media platforms, buying a gift card or giving some business advice, these are small things that could make a big difference at this time.

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