Dont forget to enter the Gran and Gramps walk on 10th Β June 2015 at 08h30, hosted by the Rotary Club of uMhlanga.
The 5km walk will start and finish at the Durban View Park and pre-registration essential, directly through the club (details below) or through your Retirement Village and the cost is R50 including breakfast.
Sponsors are being asked to donate lucky dip prizes such as meal vouchers, hampers, toiletries, health breakfast items and the entrance fees of less privileged walkers.
Proceeds for this fundraising initiative go to the Verulam Frail and Day Care Centre and other Rotary charities and walkers are also asked to please bring toiletries for the less privileged.
REGISTRATION FOR WALKERS: -Clive Hull 083 2909031
CONTACTS FOR SPONSORS: Rob Hay 0833864677 or Nettie Howard 0832259715