Ohlanga estuary mouth and beach remain closed

The public are reminded that the Ohlange estuary, lagoon and adjoining beach remain closed.

Authorities closed the estuary and beach in July 2021 as a precautionary measure following a chemical spill from the UPL warehouse which contaminated the Ohlange River and Umhlanga Lagoon. Only one kilometer of the beach on either side of the lagoon is closed and not the entire beach.

Authorities are appealing to the public to refrain from any beach activities in the vicinity until the water quality is deemed safe. City is aware the festive season is upon us but as a City, we need to first ensure the safety of the public and the tourists.

The public are asked to be patient and comply with requests from authorities. Any inconvenience is regretted. However, the safety of the public is of utmost importance.


Issued by the eThekwini Municipality, Communications Unit.

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