Notification of beach opening in uMhlanga


1 JULY 2022


Having received the latest water quality results, eThekwini Municipality has taken a decision to open some of its beaches today. This comes after recent water tests indicated that E-Coli levels were within acceptable standards. The public can now enjoy bathing and other sporting activities in these beaches.

The following beaches are open for public use: Amanzimtoti; Warner; uMgababa; uMhlanga Rocks; uMdloti; Addington; Bronze; Bay of Plenty; Wedge; North; Country Club; uShaka; Battery; Southern and Vetch Pier (Point).

The City decided to close all beaches in April due to high levels of E-Coli in the water following the floods.

Water tests were conducted daily to monitor the E-Coli levels to ensure they reach acceptable standards. The latest test results carried out at all beaches revealed that some beaches are still affected whilst other are at an acceptable standard and are ready for public use.

The following beaches remain closed for swimming but are open for religious and spiritual rituals, walking dogs and fishing purposes: uMkomaas; Umhlanga Rocks Lighthouse; Beachwood Mangrove; uMdloti beach tidal area; Casuarina in oThongathi; Granny’s Pool; Beachwood; eThekwini and Suncoast beach.

The City will continue to monitor the rest of the beaches and inform the public once levels of E-Coli have decreased to standards that are safe for the public to enjoy it.



Issued by the eThekwini Municipality’s Communications Unit.

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