Explore Our Rock Pools Saturday 8th June

In celebration of World Ocean Day 2019, the UIP and Tidal Tao invite you to an educational exploration of our rock pools. The entry fee? Your time in a one hour beach clean up!

Date: Saturday 8th June
Time: 11am beach clean-up and 12pm rock-pool exploration (low-tide 1pm)
Where: Meet at the uMhlanga pier at 11am
Bring: Sunblock / water / gloves (if you wish) – bags will be provided

If you haven’t had the opportunity to explore the rock pools under the guidance of Tidal Tao then this is a chance not to be missed. Their knowledge and passion for the ocean and coastline is infectious and you will learn more than you could have imagined about our beautiful uMhlanga Rocks.

Let us know how you feel
😀 😐 🙁

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    Beach education, Rock pool exploration, Tidal Tao, uMhlanga beaches, uMhlanga Rocks, uMhlanga UIP, World Ocean Day 2019
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