What is the status of beaches in eThekwini?
Some beaches are open while others remain closed. Beaches that are open meet the quality standard for safety of bathing water. Those that don’t yet meet the standard, remain closed. The quality of water at bathing beaches is tested regularly by a team of scientists.
Which beaches are open and safe for swimming?
As of 8 December, the following beaches are open: Point, Ushaka, Addington, South, Wedge, North, Bay of Plenty, Anstey’s Toti and Pipeline beaches.
There are claims that some eThekwini beaches are not safe even though they are open. Is this true?
The safety of residents and visitors is a priority for the Municipality. Water quality tests are conducted regularly to ensure the safety of both residents and visitors. Beaches that do not meet the safety standard are closed.
We have seen videos of overflowing sewers. Surely this has an impact on beaches?
The damage caused by the April floods to the City’s water and sanitation infrastructure is extensive. Repairs of most of the infrastructure is underway and has been completed in some areas. As we repair infrastructure and pump stations start pumping, pipelines are getting pressurised, but these pipelines have been idle for many months. Some have been vandalised and some extensively damaged, so when we start pumping we sometimes experience overflows. Where tests show that beach water quality has been compromised that beach is closed.
How often is water quality tested at beaches?
The frequency of testing at bathing beaches has been increased to twice a week.
On 1 December the City opened uMhlanga Beach but it is now closed. What happened?
The City tested uMhlanga Beach and found it complaint on four consecutive occasions before declaring it open. A decision was then taken to open it. However, subsequent tests showed that it was no longer compliant, and it was then closed. This is the point of the regular testing. It enables the City to take the necessary action should any beach not be deemed compliant or safe.
Another test of uMhlanga Beach with an independent organisation was done on 8 December. Results are pending.
Why is there a difference between beach water quality results of eThekwini and those of independent laboratories?
The main reason for this is that samples are not collected at the same spot and at the same time. Environmental conditions at sea change all the time, therefore results will fluctuate if they are taken on different occasions. The result can also be affected by factors such as how a sample is handled, transportation, testing, and reporting.
The City’s laboratory is accredited and operated by a team of experienced scientists.
In some instances, the City now conducts its tests together with an independent lab to compare results.
We invite any independent, accredited lab that wants to test beach water to sample together with the City so that the results can be comparable. This is in everyone’s interests.
We are also told that the beachfront swimming pools are closed. Why is this?
Three of the four beachfront swimming pools are closed for maintenance. Unfortunately, it has taken longer than anticipated. However, repairs at the popular Rachel Finlayson Pool have started and repairs to the Children Amusement Centre pools are imminent. The South Beach Paddling Pool is open as are 24 other pools across the City.
Where can I check if my favourite beach is open?
You can get this information on the home page of the City’s website www.durban.gov.za Updates also are shared on our social media platforms on Facebook @eThekwiniM and on Twitter @eThekwiniM
There are also boards located at beaches which reflect sea conditions and whether a beach is open or closed.
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