25 Years of the Durban Business Fair and Registration Now Open

REGISTRATION for the jubilee celebration of eThekwini Municipality’s signature business exhibition, the Durban Business Fair (DBF), is now open.

The DBF is one of the innovative economic development programmes hosted by the Municipality to ensure that small and medium businesses remain active and are included in the radical economic participation of the City’s economy.

Download the registration form using this link: http://bit.ly/3YfbIsb. Alternatively, visit www.durban.gov.za to download the application form or visit the 7th floor, Embassy Building, Anton Lembede Street to obtain registration forms.

The City celebrates 25 years of the DBF which is a milestone. A concerted effort has been made by the Municipality to grow the Fair over the past two and a half decades. This year’s DBF promises to be bigger and better featuring more businesses and encompassing many empowerment and development opportunities.

A tiered payment system has also been introduced this year. If you pay the full exhibition price by 31 March, you qualify for the early bird discount.

Normal fee payments close on 28 April.

There is a late penalty fee for any late registration.

Don’t wait, register now and benefit from the early bird discount.

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